Saturday, January 4, 2014

Bebe Bryan - Charcoal Drawing

For Christmas 2013 I decided to do a charcoal drawing of my sister's baby Bryan when he was a newborn. The photo had been on my radar for months, and finally I had the time to do it. This is the kind of work that I would like to be doing more of in the future. I am putting more time into portraiture, including animals as well as people. Would you like for me to do something like this for you? I am definitely open to commissions. This is an 8"x10" and I would probably do something similar for under $50CAD.

charcoal black and white bw drawing of a cute cuddly sleeping newborn baby
Bebe Bryan, charcoal on paper, 8"x10", 2013

The scan quality wasn't the best, unfortunately, but I did what I could in Photoshop to make it look as much like the original as I could. Didn't do justice to the shading but at least I have some evidence of this adorable charcoal drawing.