Friday, June 29, 2012

No kicking back laziness this summer!

Wow I haven't really posted anything since I left for vacation. This summer is going to be so busy. I go to work, I come home, and work some more, on the art stuff. In the moments between I try to clean my apartment, buy food, run errands.. That's really it, no spare time, no fun stories.

The t-shirts I worked on for Ragin Inc. came in this week. I wish I could take credit for the full design, but unfortunately he only came to me afterward asking if I could make some additions to the signature Ragin smiley face. I added the gash above the eye oozing blood all the way down the face, as well as the text on the back (which I just love the humour of).

It's still pretty cool to see some of my work on a t-shirt. He has guy shirts for sale for only $25 each at with girl shirts coming soon. We are currently collaborating on two other t-shirt designs for one of his sponsors that will be out hopefully next week. Nothing fancy just some super graphic text. But I'm happy to have the work; this guy's been keeping me busy! :)

At the same time, I've also doing a bit of work on some website banners for one of the fighters visiting Tristar this month. Its cool having people coming in and out of the gym like that, I've made contacts from all over the world. A lot of the commissions that I've been getting lately are graphic design, which is great. 

Sometimes I need a break from painting. Its so interesting how your brain switches gears completely when working in digital vs. traditional media.
Follow me on Instagram @salainart

And hey! Look! I've figured out how Instagram works and am finally using it. This is a quick snapshot of "Not Your Typical Broken Heart" It is the first time I've turned out a finished piece using (ahem cheap) oil pastels. I'm not a big fan of the texture I got from these, it looks like a crayon drawing. Maybe when I'm feeling extravagant I will buy myself some really nice oil pastels and turn out some real beauty.

As always, feel free to (please!) check me out on Instagram, Twitter (@salain_art), and "Like" my artist page on

Peace and love!

         Beach Love!                               My creative consultant


Ben said...

Glad to see things are picking up for you. Good things come to those who don't count the hours they put in.