Wednesday, June 13, 2012

New additions, new inspiration, lots of work for the summer

Finally have uploaded high quality images of my last series.

acrylic abstract painting blue yellow green white

View the rest at

I've also signed up for an Instagram account, umm don't know how to use it yet. 
My username is salainart, follow me!

In other news, anxiously awaiting tshirts for Ragin INC that I did some work on. They'll be coming in any day now.. I was on vacation for the last week so sadly no new work to showcase, but I am looking forward to finally having some time today to paint. Then again, I did say I was going to the vernissage for En Masse tonight. Will have to decide between the two. Might go see the show another day when I'm feeling less inspired. 

Speaking of inspiration, I want to share something written by one of my new favourite mixed media artists, Martha Marshall:
One thing I’ve learned through trial and error is the willingness to take risks. Build a little bed, throw in some seeds, add water and compost, nurture them, watch them, pull weeds, and see what happens. If nothing happens, repeat as necessary. See what would happen if you tried making your own sourdough starter, or real dill pickles, or a few pints of raspberry jam. All of them require attention and observation. Some batches turn out better than others.
It’s the same with paper, fabric, and canvas. If I don’t start, I’m guaranteed nothing will happen. If I do start, I will have something to build on. If it still turns to mud, or worse, at the very least I’m building on experience. Nothing is gained by not risking. Nothing is lost when I try.
You can follow Martha's blog An Artist's Journal on Wordpress (works through Blogger). This post makes me want to rush home and start a new painting at this instant. I have so many ideas written down, but also several new comissions, and yet so little time...

I wish I could afford the luxory of having a) studio space and b) the ability of paint full time. Now I feel like I have two jobs; I put in my 30-40 hours a week at the gym, then go home only to have to do more work on the art stuff. People don't understand when they want to make plans and I say I can't because "After work I'm painting." Well, no one ever said being an artist was an easy life.