Friday, March 2, 2012

Fun With Photoshop

Never forget to go back to the basics!

Yesterday I decided to revisit a favourite exercise from university that taught me more manipulation skills than I realized.

What do you get when you cross a dog and a deer? Yes all, get with the programme, its old news I have a 'pet' deer.



Granted, it isn't perfect, but I thought I would share this exercise for anyone who may be looking for ways to teach Photoshop, or perhaps even teach themselves. In university, we were given headshots of our classmates to create "mash ups" using the skills we were taught. 

In this image, I had to use the following techniques: layer masks, transparency, manipulating brush settings, cloning, resizing, warping, filtering colour/contrast/hue/saturation, colour matching, and painting a little here and there.

All in all, I would say.. not too shabby for an hour or two's work! I was totally going to put my cats face on my brother in the background but decided I had enough for the day.

Stay classy.