Friday, March 23, 2012

A Moose With No Home

I gesso'd over the awful painting from teacher's college, my final project for my art education course. The moose was fantastic, the rest not so much.. I can't believe I didn't think to take a snapshot before I painted over the rest.

Now I have a moose head floating on white canvas, the poor guy he's all alone..And I don't know what to do with him.

I took a snapshot of just the moose's head, the canvas is about 14 inches taller.
The original idea was taken from the photo below of my sister with her first big bull, shot with crossbow:

This is the first time in a while that I am actually open to comments/suggestions as to what to do next. Should I keep going with the original photo and paint a reproduction, maybe to give to my sister for her birthday? Should I do something totally out there and just weird? I considered painting something that would go along with my grad piece Found which originally featured a moose antler sitting in the leaves.. this photo is eerily familiar to the concept.

I'm going to just keep this guy in my living room and stare at him for a while..